A 5 gallon all-grain beer recipe for an Octoberfest Festbier. The base of Two-Row malt supplemented with toasty Munich and crystal malts provides a moderate level of richness and the genuine German lager yeasts give the complexity you want in a German-style homebrew.
8 lbs. Two-Row Lager Malt 2 lbs. Munich Malt (6.5 SRM) 1 1/2 lbs. Cara-Pils Malt 1 lb. Dark Munich Malt (11 SRM) 8 oz. Crystal Malt (60 SRM) 1 oz. Acidulated Malt 2/3 tsp. Gypsum 2/3 tsp. Chalk 1/3 tsp. Calcium Chloride 1 tsp Irish Moss 1 oz. Mt. Hood Hop Pellets (60 min.) 20.4 IBU 3/4 cup Corn Sugar for priming 1 pack #2206 or WLP830 Lager Yeast
Starting S.G. 55 IBU 20
Mash: 90 minute infusion at 154° F. Sparge with 5 gallons 170° water.